Welcome to Season Three of the Flowers After Hours Podcast

announcement business strategy for florists business tips flowers after hours podcast May 03, 2024

In the world of floristry and horticulture, there are so many wonderful, earnest, heartfelt podcasts … and this is absolutely not one of them. 


We're so very excited to announce the come back of Flowers After Hours Season 3, with Episode One - Floristry Today!

If you've not listened before - have you been living under a rock?

Famous for telling it like it is, join us for Flowers After Hours whilst Matthew & Joseph share their personal tales, triumphs and tragedies, across floral design, horticulture, business, marketing and lifestyle. Admittedly tongue in cheek, but with a heart of gold, tune into your new favourite design, business and lifestyle podcast. Come for the humour - and stay for the realness.

In this brand new episode, “Floristry Today” we delve into the ways AI and technology are reshaping our industry, examine the rising tide of sustainability, and discuss our reactions to the more extreme approaches that come with it.

Dive on in to Season 3 Episode 1 - Floristry Today, right here :

The brand new Season Three episodes will be released weekly, over the coming ten weeks.

Episode Credits
Your hosts: Matthew Landers (www.matthewlanders.com) & Joseph Massie (www.josephmassie.com)

Edited & Produced by: Joseph Massie for Kingsway Cultivated

Instagram : @MatthewLanders & @JosephMassie

We have had an absolute blast recording this episode of Flowers After Hours, and we hope you love it, just as much as we do! Be sure to rate and subscribe if you like what you hear!


Team Joseph Massie